Greetings fighter. Welcome to the Order of the Fighting Fathers member site!

  • Greetings fighter. Welcome to the Order of the Fighting Fathers member site!

  • Greetings fighter. Welcome to the Order of the Fighting Fathers member site!

  • Greetings fighter. Welcome to the Order of the Fighting Fathers member site!

  • Greetings fighter. Welcome to the Order of the Fighting Fathers member site!


We are an order of fighting priests and lay people, committed to Fighting the Good Fight against drugs, poverty, prejudice, and all forms of injustice.

This membership site is designed to give you a platform on the web where you can make a difference.

Here we can pool our wisdom and our resources, challenge and encourage eachother, and so together spread love and justice across the web and around the world.

Become a Member of the Order of the Fighting Fathers!

The Order of the Fighting Fathers is an Order of Fighting Priests and lay people, committed to 'Fighting the Good Fight'- against drugs, poverty, prejudice, and all forms of injustice.

Founding Father, Dave Smith, says, "we draw on the courage we develop in ring-fighting and apply it to the greater fight - the battle for the Kingdom of God". Dave is a registered professional boxer and has 8 black belts in the Martial Arts.

To join the order, novices must take three vows:

1. Obedience to God
2. Service to the Community
3. Loyalty to the Order

A record in ring-fighting and/or martial arts competition is not a necessity, but sports-fighting is integral to the life of the community.

Pugilistic competition both foreshadows the greater battle, and provides a training ground for members of the order to develop the courage and mental and spiritual toughness they need in order to last in the long rounds of the greater battle.

Member Benefits

  • Get access to Fighting Fathers' online repository of shared information and resources.
  • Forums on physical fitness, social justice and spiritual fitness, etc.
  • Weekly posts from me, giving updates and early notifications on upcoming events
  • Ebook copies of my books
  • Become part of a community through text-based and video-based communication with Father Dave and other group members (access to our member forum and regular video group chats.
  • A public profile identifying you as a supporter.

Plus, for those who support this work at the $100/mo:

  • 50% Discounts on all fight training and fitness camps
  • A free weekend stay at Binacrombi bush retreat (conditions apply *)
  • A monthly personal consultation (in person, by Skype or by email) on physical and spiritual fitness

Plus, on top of the above, for those who support this work at $250/mo level:

  • No charge for participation in fight training or camps
  • A week’s free stay at Binacrombi each year (conditions apply *)
  • Unlimited consultation on physical and spiritual fitness
  • Priority invitations to join overseas mission trips (Syria, Yemen, Manus Island, etc. [conditions apply **]


Join for $10/mo   Join for $100/mo  Join for $400/mo


*Conditions for Binacrombi stays:

  1. Binacrombi is a cooperative venture and not simply a resort. Subscriber-guests are expected to contribute to the life of Binacrombi, especially when staying for extended periods. The nature of the guest’s contribution is open to discussion, but may include:
  2. Regular leading and/or participation in daily prayers
  3. Assisting in the maintenance of the property
  4. Supporting the growth of the Binacrombi community in other ways
  5. The free stays are for subscribers only. Friends and/or family may join you at a discounted rate.

**Conditions for participation in overseas mission trips:

  1. Some persons may be considered unsuitable for participation on certain mission trips, due to health or other concerns. Fighting Fathers Ministries is the final arbitrator of eligibility for any particular mission trip.
  2. Access to many of the places we travel requires a special visa. Fighting Fathers Ministries is not generally able to organise visas for persons living outside of Australia, though we will do all we can to assist.
  3. Fighting Fathers Ministries cannot guarantee the safety of any of the participants in our mission work. The places we go are always volatile areas. Participants must recognise this and accept the risks involved.

Other Father Dave Websites


    Watch hours of video collected over the years of Father Dave and his televised efforts to figth for things worth fighting for.


    Keep up to date with Father Dave by following his regularly updated blog.


    Father Dave's website highlighting his efforts to fight prejudice and build friendships through his interfaith work with the Muslim community.


    Here you will find a collection of Father Dave's sermons, articles, and press clippings.


    Here you will find links to all of Father Dave's work that is available online.

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